Railway safety has taken a backseat which urgently needs to be given attention. Explain the causes of recent rail accidents and what measures can be taken to check this?


बुनियादी ढाँचा : ऊर्जा, बंदरगाह, सड़क, विमानपत्तन, रेलवे आदि।

​रेलवे सुरक्षा पर  तत्काल ध्यान दिए जाने की आवश्यकता है  । हाल ही में हुई रेल दुर्घटनाओं के पीछे कारण क्या है और इनको रोकने के लिए क्या उपाय लिए जा सकते है ?

Railway safety has taken a backseat which urgently needs to be given attention. Explain the causes of recent rail accidents and what measures can be taken to check this?

Reference: https://gshindi.com/category/air/safety-measures-in-indian-railways

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